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Warmest of welcomes to Book Review, she wrote. An online community for fellow readers and bookworms, including those seasoned in the game and just discovering the magic of books.


Arguably my most passionate of hobbies, I have always loved to read. And whilst reading is so important, I believe it is just as important we think about the books we read. The characters we meet. The language the author chooses to use. The descriptions used to portray the story's world. How compelling was the motive for murder? Was the chemistry between two characters believable? Was the description an accurate reflection of the real life city or occupation? Was the twist predictable or what could have been done differently to further elevate the grasp and success of the story? On Book Review she wrote, these questions are addressed and discussed.  


Reading is so much more than just passively consuming words on a page. It's a skill that requires you to translate what you have read into a visual image. Kind of like turning a script into a movie. 


In that sense, a reader is sort of like a producer. The author provides the script, but it is ultimately you, the reader, that gives the author the opportunity for their their words to be brought to life. 


So, without further ado, let us read and review, together. 

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